WD Recovery and Wellness Center understands that police, active military, and other first responders experience on-duty and personal stresses, and also face many obstacles in seeking help.
Military Personnel, Police officers, Firefighters, and Paramedics experience high levels of painful trauma and stress in their daily working lives. When it comes to stress related mental health disorders, first responders are at exceptionally high risk of suffering from Trauma and Dissociation.
The culture and stress of the military & first responders’ jobs can quickly take a toll on their mental health. Adverse mental health conditions also lead vulnerable military to turn to food, drugs and alcohol to cope with and mask their pain of individuals more fearful of treatment than the general population.
The culture and stress of the military & first responders’ jobs can quickly take a toll on their mental health.
Adverse mental health conditions also lead vulnerable military to turn to food, drugs and alcohol to cope with their issues.
WD Recovery & Wellness Center is contracted with Insurance Companies and accepts all major commercial insurances. WD Recovery & Wellness Center is Medicare Certified by CMS and Tricare Certified by Department of Defense as a Community Mental Health Center (CMHC). If you truly want freedom from your eating disorder, drug, alcohol, PTSD, self-injurious behaviors and you are willing to follow the path our team sets for you, recovery is yours.
WD Recovery and Wellness Center is unique among treatment centers in offering Partial Hospital (PHP) and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) Programs. This comprehensive range of services which includes swapping addictions, sexual and sexuality issues is tailored for each patient to develop treatment plans and goals based on his or her unique needs.